Thursday, January 2, 2014

What does From Dust to Essence mean?

The mind, body and soul make us who we are. It is the trinity of our being here on earth, the Father (mind), the Son (body) and the Holy Spirit (soul).

Christianity upholds the belief that our bodies were made from dust when God first made Adam. Science proves that our bodies return to dust when we die. The dust symbolizes all that we are of the earth. The superficiality of the things we do. The material things we possess. The dirt we should regularly clean out of our being; the dirt that we someday will leave behind.

When we die, it is believed that our soul will carry forward to another life. Science has attempted to prove this phenomenon with a paranormal science that studies death and the body during death. Some have seen an electromagnetic spectrum of a soul exiting the body, if you wish to believe that's what it is. I read once that Hitler performed death studies and documented that the body loses some weight upon death, something they thought to be the soul leaving the body. People who have witnessed ghostly encounters believe there is a soul haunting the earth for whatever reason. There is definitely some sort of essence about all of us that we just cannot prove exists. This is where faith comes into play.

It is my belief that the soul travels to its destination upon death. Heaven or hell. I also think it's a choice we make in life, where we end up. The mind is the transition factor. The mind connects the soul and the body. The body cannot operate without the mind telling it what to do. The body also tells the mind everything it sees, feels, smells, tastes, and hears. Then our mind processes that information and perceives. It is with that perception that our mind connects to the soul. It tells the soul about its experiences and the soul in turns tells the mind about its essence. The mind tries to relay it back to the body. They are all interconnected with the mind being the middle man playing messenger between the two shells.

I think our destination is decided between the values the soul desires, the things our minds focus on, and the trials our bodies endure. All of these factor into the overall essence that leaves the body upon death. It is by the decisions you make and the way you live your life that determines whether your overall essence is good, or evil. BUT, the essence you are affects the decisions you make and the way you live your life.

So this blog is about my experiences between my dust and my essence. It's about how I try to live my life for God. How I try to embrace His Love and how I walk through that valley of the shadows of death with God as my light.

I am a Christian, but I'm not your average Christian. I am definitely not the Sheeple type. Everything I believe, I searched to believe it. Some of my beliefs change as I grow, and others remain the same. I also believe in science. I think educating the brain is one of the most important things we can do for society and for ourselves. Not all of science is fact. Most of science is experimenting with ideas and beliefs to find truth. Instead of prayer, science uses the earth and mind, tools God gave us. I also believe in the freedom to believe whatever you want. God gave us all free will. I think he wants your decision to be with Him to be your decision. I think the person who knocks on His door is going to find so much more than the person who answered a door and listened to someone spreading the gospel.

So with all that said, welcome to my blog.

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