Thursday, March 12, 2015

If Angels know Everything, Why Would the Fallen Fall?

I've met atheists with a compelling unanswerable question of God and Christianity with pride as if they debunked the entire religion with that one question. Remember, they don't believe there is no God. They spend time trying to convince themselves, usually in the form of convincing you, that there is no God. Meanwhile, I'm one of those few Christians who has questions like that myself, not because I want to debunk religion, but because I want to seek the Truth. I want to understand God. I want to empathize with Him. Not because I want to be Him, but I want to be His servant to the best of my ability.

The world is full of these questions, many I thought I invented had someone not stolen my idea before I came up with it... I'm starting an FAQ on my blog. Go to the labels and click FAQ to get other posts like this.

Catholics say angels know everything, and the fallen knew what they were doing which is why they will never repent or receive forgiveness. Well, if they knew everything, why would they fall?

They don't know everything. If they knew everything, they wouldn't have fallen. They would either be serving God, or they'd be God.

I'm not sure they knew they were going to fall from grace if they kept up with their antics or not when they made the decision they made. I think many were surprised God would actually banish them from heaven. I envision it to be one of those moments where a parent is saying, "If you don't stop fighting, I'm going to put you in a time out," and the kid just didn't really believe it until they were sitting in that time out, and then that entire time out is spent hating the parent for doing that to them, feeling unloved because a loving parent would never make them sit in a time out in their minds.

Maybe hell is a time out. Maybe there will a time for reconciliation as opposed to retribution. Many say reconciliation is impossible, but I believe with God, all things are possible. In fact, we can understand God via Quantum Mechanics, and according to Schrodinger's Cat (a thought experiment), not only are all things possible, but all possibilities are true.

But let's go to the next question this one brings. Lucifer knows enough of God's Ways to know God's pretty good at getting His Way. Lucifer knows enough, especially with the story of Revelations that Lucifer probably understands better than most of us humans, that he's going to lose. Why would he go into a losing battle swearing he's going to win?

Feelings. Angels have them too. I mean, if God kicked you out of heaven forever, wouldn't you be pissed off? You'd probably form an army to fight back too. You wouldn't care if you were going to win or lose. It's not about winning. It's about revenge.

This is the kind of darkness that has consumed the fallen. They didn't just get rejected. They landed in a dark place full of dark monsters. If your mother kicked you out of your house and dropped you with a nice family to adopt you, you'd still resent your mother. You'd still have questions. But for the most part, you'd be fine. Imagine if she left you with the Boogeyman, in his dark cave under your bed where no light will ever enter. Nobody will ever love you again. Yeah, the fallen are hurt.

The hurt feeds their darkness. Every demon has his own demons within him. Nobody, but God, can conquer the darkness alone.

And that darkness is deceiving. "We are never deceived. We deceive ourselves." Goethe.

The darkness fuels the fallen to keep trying. It fuels them into hurting people, tricking people, and eventually trying to wipe out the existence of people. They can't touch God, but they can touch His Children. You are the easiest target.

It also fuels them into believing they don't deserve forgiveness, but they deserve to be God and deserve worship. It fuels them into believing they can win. It fuels them into believing they have secrets from God to help them win. They believe a lot of their own absurdities, no different than a demon making you believe in your own absurdities.

They honestly believe they are right. They are following their hearts, dark, broken hearts. They are passionate about their cause, and the passion itself is a beautiful thing on their part; unfortunately, there's just no light in that passion.

But I am firm believer that humans were not intended to know good and evil. We were just intended to innocently sin without knowing it's wrong. Meanwhile, the angels were intended for good. They were all intended for good. We can only have faith that their intended purpose is still there, buried under all that darkness, and some day, when they heal from the fall, they will return to their original instincts to love again.

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